Cortem Group, costituito dai marchi Cortem, Elfit e Fondisonzo, è tra i primi competitor del settore Oil & Gas. Cortem S.p.A., dal 1968, progetta e realizza apparecchiature elettriche antideflagranti destinate ad impianti in zone a rischio di esplosione e incendio, sia on-shore che off-shore. Cortem S.p.A. - P. IVA 00052120318 - Registro A.E.E. IT08020000001818 - Elfit S.p.A. - P. IVA 00124320318. ---- The peculiarity of Cortem Group is the experience gained in more than 40 years of activity in the Ex field which results not only in the supply of simple Ex-products, but also in engineered and customized solutions. Cortem Group, formed by the brands Cortem, Elfit and Fondisonzo, is one of the most competitive companies of Oil & Gas. Since 1968, Cortem S.p.A. has been designing and manufacturing explosion-proof and water-proof electrical equipment addressed to hazardous areas. Thanks to a continuous effort in technical innovation and improvement, it is today a leader in this field, able to provide a whole range of products, meeting on-shore and off-shore applications. Through its several branches, agents and distributor, it is able to support its clients both technically and commercially.